Course Outcomes - Sociology

SR. NO.                 
1 SEMESTER 1 – INTRODUCTION OF SOCIOLOGY This paper is about the introduction of society, its significance, features and role in individual’s  life. How different factors – economic, political, social, religious ,cultural etc.– influences an individual. Role of socialization in molding human being into social being is described in this paper.
2 SEMESTER 2- SOCIAL STRATIFICATION This paper is about how the society is divided into different strata on the basis of caste, class, gender, race etc. Different thinkers – Karl Marx, Max Weber, Davis and Moore- express their views on social stratification in this paper. Different forms of social stratifications explains how stratification plays an  important role in society. Paper also contains the importance of social mobility for the development of society.
3 SEMESTER 3 – SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND SOCIAL CHANGE Paper enables students to understand the importance of structure of any institution or association of society. It introduces students both to conceptual and some theoretical understanding of social structure and social change. Students are introduced to characteristics and elements of social structure and to understand the meaning, process and factors of social change.
4 SEMESTER 4 – SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS In this paper, social institution as a concept is introduced to the students. Study of various institutions which are foundations of human society, will help students to look at society in an objective and analytical way.
5 SEMESTER 5 – SOCIETY IN INDIA The objective of this paper is to present a comprehensive view of Indian Society. The students are exposed to the tribal, rural and urban societies and are presented with the social structure and social institutions to understand these segments of Indian Society. Through this paper, the students are also introduced to the problems of the underprivileged in Indian Society.
6 SEMESTER 6 – DISORGANISATION AND EMERGING PROBLEMS This paper exposes the students to social disorganization, its levels and current problems. It helps students to understand social realities and also equips them to utilize their knowledge in various theoretical and practical                          

It develops communication , cross cultural and inter personal skills in students . It makes students proficient in data analysis , data collection , data research and survey and presenting valuable insights . Students after completing graduation in sociology can go for PG in Sociology, MSC in Sociology  can go for  teaching in Sociology and can also go for  Social workers in NGOs and charities , social workers in the health care sectors , community development workers in human welfare , life coaches , motivators and consultants , social scientists , social influencers  and also compete for various  competitive exams such as IAS, Child Development Officers etc.

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