Course Outcomes - Philosophy

1 SEMSTER – 1 PAPER-1ELEMENTS OF PHILOSOPHY The students will be able to understand and discuss major philosophical problems, assess  arguments  and philosophical perspectives using critical reasoning.The emphasis is placed on   a clearly articulated idea of what students are expected to know and be able to do. 
2 SEMSETER – 2  PAPER -2LOGIC  By studying  Logic ,the students will be able to define propositions and arguments, explain and exemplify truth value status of a proposition .The emphasis will be on explaining reasoning type(deductive ,inductive logic)and explain and apply basic notions of symbolic logic. 
3 SEMESTER- 3 PAPER-3INDIAN ETHICS Ethics enables students to use specific capacities and skills to make moral decisions .It highlights the ethical philosophies propounded in  different Indian philosophical systems like Buddhism,,Sikhism, Gandihism,,Gita and Vedic culture.  
4 SEMSTER-4 PAPER -4WESTERN ETHICS Wesern ethics gives an insight into the nature of Ethics,moral notions,and basic moral theories Western ethics highlgihts the theories like,justice,benevolence,seva, utilitarianism. By practicing the qualities like being honest,brave,just,generous,a person develops an honourable and moral charcter and will be able to make the right choice when faced with ethical challenges.
5 SEMSTER-5 PAPER-5INDIAN EPISTEMOLOGYAND METAPHYSICS The students will be able to understand and discuss main epistemological and metaphysical issues .The students wil be able to understand different schools of indian thought likecarvaka,Jainism,samkhy-yoga,naya yoga,vaisesika.
  SEMSTER-6PAPER-6WESTERN   PHILOSOPHY AND METAPHYSICS The fundamental of this paper is to enhance the knowledge of classical indian philosophy like theory of causation,liberation and the students will be able to understand about the creation of the world,about thepry of Brahman. 

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